On-Site Training for Houses of Worship

With years of experience in production and music direction in Houses of Worship (HOWs), the staff at Elite Pro Audio brings together all the elements of live sound reinforcement, music performance, worship, production and the spoken word and imparts the knowledge to provide concise and cohesive training for Houses of Worship. 

Training on the equipment already in the venue, we will teach your staff and volunteers how to work together as a team as well as how to get the best out of the system you have. If necessary, we will also recommend upgrades and display the latest technologies available which can raise the bar on the level of performance and ministry of your House of Worship.  We recommend that all training of Houses of Worship be conducted on the weekends so that one or two days of training may be conducted and then the following Worship services be supervised. In most Houses of Worship, the worship experience is dynamic, ever changing.

Elite Pro Audio wants your team well trained so that they can respond quickly and with precision so that the performance is not hindered by missed fader cues or feed backs caused by improper handling of microphones.  Having clear and precise sounding audio in a House of Worship is surely of one of the highest calls. As the scripture says, “how may the soldiers make ready for battle if they can not hear the trumpet sounding clearly?” This is true with the worship performance and the spoken word. If the congregants can not hear the music and music leaders properly, they will not respond and enter into worship. If the congregants can not comprehend what is being said, how can their lives be changed in order to change others? 

It is recommended that a minimum of 2 days for training and one day for performance oversight be set aside so that a thorough training can be completed. Annual Service/Training Agreements are available to assist with budgetary guidelines and to continue ongoing maintenance and training. Most Houses of Worship find that Annual Service/Training Agreements are a perfect match for their organization as they rely on a staff of volunteers to implement and complete their ministry. However, volunteers are normally a transient staff thus requiring training on a repetitive basis.  

We look forward to training and educating your audio and music ministry in the best techniques in pro audio. Please feel free to contact us either by phone or email and setting up your on-site training. We look forward to serving you.
